TTG Tessendier Lot 95 “Midwinter Night’s Yak” & Binny’s L’Encantada Domaine Pouy #100

L’Encantada | Domaine Pouy 1998 #100 | 22yr Ugni Blanc, Colombard | 56% | Selected by Binny’s

Through the Grapevine | Domaine Tessendier Lot 95 | NAS Ugni Blanc, Petit Champagne | 55% | Selected by u/T8ke and the homies


Nose - On the nose, this Armagnac is fruity. There are notes of grape, stone fruit, raisin, and strawberry. There are notes of something baked as well - maybe like strawberry pie or vanilla custard with berries. At the end of the nose there is a hint of champagne present.

Palate - The palate is sweet and it brings the same fruitiness as the nose. There’s lots of raisin, but maybe less fresh fruit. Additionally there is a decent amount of oak that balances against the sweetness. On top of all this, there is some note I can’t quite describe that is the slightest bit off-putting (it’s faint and doesn’t hinder my enjoyment of this bottle, but it’s something that prevents it from being a great pour).

Finish - On the finish, there is lots of oak. I also notice the last note mentioned on the palate. Suddenly there’s a fruity candy note, something like a melon Jolly Rancher.

Through the Grapevine:

Nose - The nose is so rich. Immediately there is so much cinnamon and oak. There are dried dark fruits along side fresh sweet dates, fig jam, and more cinnamon. Behind this, there is some vanilla custard, but this is a primarily a dark vibe. After nosing for considerable time, there is a hint of blackberry that creeps in.

Palate - The palate is primarily oaky, but it continues strong with the plummy, juicy dark fruit notes. There is some baking spice, but it’s not like the strong cinnamon up front on the nose. The oak, dark fruit, and spice are balanced so well that I really treasure this bottle.

Finish - The finish here is true to the nose and palate and just like the nose, it fades to some blackberry at the very end.

This was a fun little tasting. I’m just getting back into tasting spirits after a significant period of recovery from a total loss of taste and smell. Regaining my senses was slow and frustrating, but I’m glad to be able to sit down, focus on a pour, and appreciate the subtleties of a quality spirit. I was lucky enough to have gambled on the TTG Tessendier when it was first available and in hindsight I wish I would have purchased a second when I noticed they did not immediately sell out. This is my first L’Encantada and makes me hopeful that I might find one I enjoy even more…. because while I do really enjoy it, the Tessendier just stands out between these two. My hypothesis is I should trust that any selection u/t8ke / aficionados group are involved in will be a great pour, whereas Binny’s selections may not match my preferences as well… but is that surprising?

Note on how I enjoy spirits - I will let a pour rest for a considerable amount of time, and spend 15+ minutes nosing before I will take a sip. To me, the nose influences the palate and I find that I get the must nuance in the nose.

  • Glassware - Glencairn

  • Rested - 20+ minutes

  • Bottle opened - months ago

  • Setting - Dimly lit home bar

  • Playing Rummy


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